
From the Existential to the Logistical, Engagement can be one of the most Overwhelming Seasons in a Woman's Life

Step Into Marriage With Confidence

You're getting ready to start a new season of your life. One you have probably dreamed of as long as you can remember.

But now that it's finally here, the roller-coaster of emotions is bigger than you expected.

From managing stress to coping with decision fatigue, dealing with family drama, deciding whether or not to change your last name, and preparing yourself for a strong and lasting marriage...

engagement and wedding planning is an emotional maze.

As women's mental health experts, the therapists here at Wittingly are uniquely suited to walk beside you through this season.

Keep scrolling to see how we can help

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People Problems and Drama Detox

The truth is, few things have the power to stir up drama like a wedding. 

From choosing your bridesmaids to making the guest list, bringing divorced parents together, having tough conversations about money, navigating an addiction in the family, coping with a critical or controlling mother or grieving an absent father, struggling with sibling rivalries, or any number of other challenging dynamics:
All brides face sticky situations with loved ones as they make their way to the alter.

If you find yourself dreading certain moments, people, or conversations, this is a sign that some pre-wedding therapy is needed.

Therapy can provide tools to navigate challenging situations with loved ones, helping you set boundaries, manage expectations, and maintain healthy relationships as you prepare to embark on this new chapter of your life.

Here at Wittingly Psychotherapy we LOVE helping brides find their voice, communicate with their loved ones, and ultimately heal and strengthen their relationships during this special and pivotal season of life.

Whether you need a strategy session or just a place to vent, we're here for it.


Decision Fatigue and Bridal Burnout

Social media, advertisers, movies and TV all depict engagement and wedding planning as a magical fairy tale time of beauty and bliss. But the reality is that most brides feel tired, overwhelmed, and often times isolated.

Do any of these sound like you?

  • I have decision burn-out
  • I find myself almost resentful
  • I'm exhausted
  • I can't wait till it's over
  • I am DONE

"I can't count how many times I've wanted to cancel everything"

Meanwhile, you keep fielding the well-intended but totally clueless comments:

"Aren't you excited?!? "

"This is such a special time!"

"Weddings are so fun!"

"You must be so happy!"

Ready for some real talk and tactical support?

Our toolbox is packed full of strategies to help you manage decision fatigue, restore your energy, and inject JOY back into the wedding planning process.


Bridal Anxiety and Stress Management

Whether you're prone to anxiety or not, the immense stress of wedding planning takes a toll on every bride.

Not only are you making big financial decisions, but also a million smaller choices that will affect you, your partner, and your loved ones. If you're a perfectionist or a people-pleaser it's an anxiety minefield

Your wedding also puts you at the center of attention. If you're shy or wrestle with personal insecurity, we can guarantee you're on overload.

Our brides often report feeling constantly on edge, and many suffer with panic attacks, insomnia, nightmares, headaches, heart palpitations and tummy troubles as the big day approaches.

Bridal Therapy provides a place to process all that fear, and develop personalized coping strategies to help you stay grounded.


Personal Growth and Preparing for Marriage

During engagement, you will find yourself having some serious existential moments.

It's normal for brides to reflect on their childhood and family of origin, taking stock of how prepared they are to build a lasting marriage.

You may also find that a past romantic relationship re-emerges in your mind. While this is quite common, it can be unsettling and difficult to know what to make of these thoughts while preparing to make a lifetime commitment to your new person.

These are some of the most frequent questions our brides explore in therapy:

  • How do I hold on to my own identity while growing into the identity of wife?
  • Should I change my last name? What does that mean for me?
  • Do I / we have what it takes?
  • Why do I feel so nervous when I know my partner is right for me?
  • Have I fully let go of my past?
  • What is my attachment style and how will it affect my marriage?
  • How do I create a healthy marriage when it's never been modeled to me?

Asking these questions is a normal and healthy part of preparing for marriage, and you don't have to wrestle with them alone.

As our name suggests, the therapists here at Wittingly are all about helping you understand yourself, grow as a person, and navigate life with clarity, purpose, and joy.



Got a question? We've got answers.

  • How many sessions will I need?

    Most brides benefit from between 6 and 12 therapy sessions

  • When should I book?

    While any time during your engagement is a great time for therapy, we especially recommend seeing your therapist at the beginning of your engagement and in the 6 weeks leading up to the wedding. Most brides report that the last month is the most stressful part of the engagement.

    For best availability, we recommend scheduling 2-4 weeks before your desired appointment time.

  • Do you offer premarital counseling?

    We specialize in individual therapy for women. We are all about serving you.  This is your space, and we are solely focused on supporting you, helping you find your voice, and become the best version of yourself. 

    If you're seeking couple or premarital counseling in addition to your individual treatment, your therapist is happy to refer and/or collaborate with your couples or family counselor.

  • How much is the financial investment

    Each session is 50 minutes long, and the cost is $210

Curated Care, Just for You

Each individual's therapy journey looks different. You may need a few sessions to help you navigate a tricky situation, or long term support as you heal deep wounds and pursue big dreams. Whatever the case, your treatment will be customized to your needs, and you will be supported and uplifted with each session.

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