All About Bridal Burnout: Why It Happens and How to Bounce Back

Carla Munger • May 03, 2024

Understanding and Managing Your Engagement Exhaustion

Let's be honest, most women are already running on the brink of burnout. In fact, millennials have been tagged as the "burnout generation" and recent research shows that women are more likely to experience burnout than men. So when we throw wedding planning into the mix, it's no wonder so many women experience this weird phenomenon we call “Bridal Burnout”

Understanding Bridal Burnout

Bridal burnout is an intense emotional state characterized by overwhelming stress, fatigue, emotional exhaustion, and depletion. The endless details and decisions involved in wedding planning lead to intense feelings of pressure and anxiety; followed by detachment, apathy, and avoidance. Bridal burnout can manifest physically, mentally, and emotionally, often resulting in mood swings, irritability, sleep disturbances, and even a loss of interest in the wedding planning process altogether. If this is you, we want you to know that you are not alone, and there is help available!

In this blog, we'll dig into why Bridal Burnout is a thing, and how to restore your energy and excitement.

The Roots of Bridal Burnout

Crazy High Expectations
: Brides often feel pressured to meet unrealistic expectations fueled by social media, the wedding industry, and other commercialized images of the perfect wedding day.


So. Many. Decisions: The multitude of decisions; from the wedding party to the venue, the guest list to the officiant can lead to decision fatigue, making even minor choices feel overwhelming.

The Emotional Gymnastics
: While it’s supposed to be “Her Day” The expectations, opinions, and feelings of family members, in-laws, and friends weigh heavily on brides. Brides often feel deeply torn between planning the wedding of their dreams and meeting the expectations and even demands of loved ones.

The Financial Stress
: Weddings are expensive. Like, stupidly expensive. Even if there’s family support the financial burden of funding the event can weigh heavily on couples, especially when the costs of the wedding compete with other important goals such as buying a home or preparing for parenthood

It’s a Side Job
: Trying to juggle wedding planning alongside work, family obligations, a social life, and other responsibilities leaves brides precious little time for self-care and relaxation.

Are we preaching to the choir? We get it! With all these factors weighing heavy on you, it’s no surprise that you’re feeling depleted. 

Now, let’s talk about how to get you back on track. The following strategies are tailor-made to support you through the rest of your wedding planning journey.

How to Bounce Back

Schedule Self-Care
: While it might feel like a luxury you don’t have time for, self-care is a necessity you can’t afford to ignore. Make yourself a priority by putting self-care on your calendar. Schedule 1 hour per day, a 4-hour chunk once a week, and a full day off once a month. Once you’ve blocked out the time, create your “self-care menu” to help take the decision-making aspect out of the equation. Your menu should include free and low-cost options (hiking, reading at your favorite coffee shop) creative options (drawing, knitting, baking), and options that will work any time day or night (meditation, yoga, reading, taking a nap)

Cut back on other commitments
: According to surveys, the average couple spends between 300 and 500 hours in dedicated wedding planning. The simple truth is that something has to give in order to make time for planning. Look for ways to reduce other commitments. Don’t take on extra projects at work, consider a meal-kit delivery service to save time, and be extra choosy about what you add to your social calendar. Hint: This will require saying “no” a time or two. If that’s hard for you, check out this post.

Take breaks
: Dedicate “wedding-free zones” in your life, where you commit to not engaging in the all-consuming wedding conversation. This might mean no wedding talk in bed, putting your phone aside or hiding your wedding planning apps for a certain time period, or better yet leaving the devices at home and going for a walk or a hike where you can connect with nature and refocus on the bigger picture of life.

Summing it up

Bridal burnout is a common experience for many brides-to-be, but it doesn't have to overshadow the joy of your special day. By understanding the factors that contribute to burnout and implementing strategies to manage stress, you can navigate the wedding planning process with greater ease and resilience. Remember to prioritize self-care, communicate openly, and seek support when needed. With a healthy mindset and a supportive network, you can bounce back from bridal burnout and reconnect with your excitement and joy.

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